Sunday, December 13, 2020

bad habit

 the global transition towards remote working has many people to developed the some rather stranger new habits new reserach has suggested a globel report from kspersky found that many workers are enjoying the freedom of not being in teh office and relaxing a n umber of  personal standars whist at home a somewhat shocking 11% even said they were working in the nude showing an unexpected expansion of the flexibility that remote working was meant to offer
bad habits elsewhere the survey found that nearly half(48%)had enjouy working in comfortable clothes and that over a third (36%)were taliking naps during the day 27% of workers said they had enjoyed working outside in the garden or on a balacony amd 23% even manage to binge -eatch netflix at work how ever employees need to enshure that whilst their personal srtands may be slipping their attitudees towards security and online protection remain high having a compreshesive and up date security platform on coporate devices is viral to enshuring workers stay safe no matter where they are located and that valuble bussiness data dosn't get stolen this lockdown turend out to be two way street for people whose job allows them to work from home noted narina titova head of consumer product marketing at kaspersky on the one hand employees finally got chance to forget about the downsidees of big-city life and start working in a more comfortable atmosphere on the other hand they faced many challenges when  struggling to ranin productive reorgansing their workspace  and developing new habits wehn you work from home your privacy is put at grater risk making it vital that you remeber to take care of your digital security bad

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