Monday, December 7, 2020

New Hubble data explained

 the missing dark matter in certain galaxies can be

explained by the effects of tidal of tidal disruption the gravitiy force a neighboring massive galaxy,literally tearing the samller galaxy 2018 an international team of reserchers using the NASA/ESA hubble space telescope and several other obsevatories uncoverd for the frist time a galaxy in our cosmic neighborhood that is missing most of its dark matter this discovery of the galaxy formation an evalution .in fact without the presence of dark matter the primordial gas would lack enough gravitational pull to start collapasing and forming new galaxy that misses dark matter was discovered ngs 105-df4 which futher triggerd intense debates among astromomers about the nature of these new hubble data have been used to explain the reason behind the missing dark matter in ngc 1052-df4 which resides 45 million light -years away mireia montes of the univercity of new south wales in australia led an international team of astrinomers to study the galaxy using deep optical imaging they discoved that the missing dark matter can be explained by the effect of tidal disruption. the gravity forces of the neighbroing massive galaxy ngc 1035 are tearing ngc 1052-df4 apart during this process the dark matter is removed while the stars feel the effects of the interaction another galaxy at a later stage.until now the removal of dark mater in this way has remained hidden from astronimers as it can only be observed using extrmely deep image es that can reveal extremely faint features.we used hubble in two ways to discover that ngc 1052-df4 is experiencing an interaction explained montes this includes stuyding the galaxy light and the galaxy distribution of globuler cluster thank to hubbles high resulution the astronmoners could identidy the galaxy globular cluster population the 10.4 meter gran telescopio canarias gtc telescope and the iac80 telescope in the canary islands of spain were also used to comlement hubbles observations by futher stuying the data it is not engough just spend a loat of time observing the object but a carful treatment of the data is vital expalined team member raul infanate sainz of the instituto d astrofiisica de canarias i spain it was thereforce important that we use not just one telescioe instrument but several  both ground and space-bse dti conduct this reserh with the high resolution of hubblke we can identify the physical properties  g;oblur clusters are thought to from in the space eoisdes if intense star formation that shaped galaxy thire compact sizes and luminosity make them easilynobsecatble and they ae thereforgood tracers of the properties f thier host glaxy in this way by stuyding and charcterizing the spatial distributtion of the clusters i  ngc 102-df4 astronomers can develop insight into the presebt state of the galaxy itself the aligment of these clusters suggests they are being itself the aligment of these clusters suggests they are being stripped from their host galaxy and this support and this supports the conclusio n that tidal disruption is occurring

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