Thursday, December 10, 2020

serch engine optimization

 serch engine optimization is the improving the qulaity of the and quantity of the website traffic to create the website or a web programme web page optimaization seo targets unpaid traffic rather than direct than trafic or paid trafic


ranking in seo refers to a website positions in the serch engine results page there are various ranking factors that influence wether a website appears higer on the serp based on the content relevance to the seacrch term or the qulitiy of the backinks pointing to the page

the 10 most importent seo tips you need to know

remove anything that slows down your site
link to other website with relevent content
write for humans frist search engines second
write for humans frist sech engine seconds
encourage other trustworthy sites to link to you
have  web analytics in place at the start
write uique and relevent meta descriptions for every page

to archive this remeber to following the five steps of good basics seo

find relevent keywords with good serch traffic potential
create and optimization pages for search engines and user alike
make sure your website is accessible to both bots and humans
build relevent links form other high -qulitity websites.

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